Still Waters [A Kyra Moray Mystery] Read online

Page 21

  "Inspector Givens.” Kyra sat down. “Constable Mills's last assignment?"

  "We had an interdistrict assignment with all four districts in the city. It was a big bust; she blended right in with the team. Constable Mills worked a drug buy with Sergeant Ryan.” She glanced at the officer in question. “It was a successful bust, and after the paperwork was done I sent everyone home. That was about ten hours before the tape aired on Channel 4.” Liz took a deep draw from her coffee cup. “She was due to report for work at four o'clock this afternoon."

  "The door-to-door?"

  Liz shook her head. “Nothing. A woman living across the street from the alley vaguely remembers a dark van of unknown make and model leaving the alleyway sometime in the early morning, but she didn't pay it much attention; figured it was a delivery."

  "Except that there are no businesses connected to that alley.” Ana called up a neighborhood map and highlighted the alleyway. “If there are deliveries down that alley, it's not business. There is only one building on the alleyway that actually has a door that opens to it, and that's the Sweet Springs apartment complex.” She highlighted that building. “This is the first time he's chosen an alley in a predominantly residential neighborhood."

  "Except for the highway dumping."

  Ana shook her head, concentrating. “Stacey Valteau had her tattoo removed; she was no longer worthy of being considered his victim. He wanted to distance himself from her body. We are also of the belief that he had a vested interest in her."

  "Yes,” Kyra murmured. “We also know that the constable didn't have a tattoo. He took skin, then dumped her according to his ritual. She's a message to me."

  "To us,” Ana corrected. “He singled you out, but he's taunting us all. The press had your picture all over the place when you took that hit for the mayor. He was probably giddy when he realized you'd been assigned to him. He thinks you're important and believes that he's important as a result."

  "You'll make me think I'm not special.” That got a hesitant smile, and she watched Ana relax. “You are right, of course; he didn't care who worked his case until he realized it would be me. My unfortunate habit of stepping into bullets for twits has earned me a spotlight in the media. A spotlight he expected me to use. He, like a few other people in this city, considers me something of a media whore."

  "Well, you'd best put on your flashiest hooker boots.” Liz leaned back in her chair. “You know you'll have to respond to this son of a bitch."

  "Maybe you could wear the pants.” Ana hid her grin behind her coffee.

  Kyra stood. “Yeah, maybe. I knew I should have gotten the vest, too.” She focused on Desi, who had remained silent. She knew what was coming, but asked because, deep down, they were all expecting it. “Tell me, Dr. Marcos."

  "Constable Mills accessed all of the files for all three cases; before she left the station yesterday, she downloaded all of the data to her p-pc."

  "That's bullshit."

  Kyra held out her hand and put it on Ana's arm when she started to stand. “He was using Constable Mills to gather information. I don't believe she was feeding him."

  "Casey was a smart cop. She wouldn't have been involved with someone who expressed that sort of interest in her work."

  "He killed her. That's enough for me at the moment.” She cleared her throat. “Okay, people, we've got the details to work. Liz, I can trust you'll handle Casey's family?"

  "Yes. Thank you."

  "Ana, did you want to attend the vid-conference with Casey's mother?"

  Ana straightened visibly. “I'm with you."

  They all knew where Kyra was headed. She almost grimaced at the defiant way Ana met her stare. Christ, had she ever been that obvious and scared?

  "Fine. I'll meet you in my transport in ten minutes. I'd like a moment with Inspector Givens. Clear the room."

  Kyra watched Liz sit back down as the room rapidly emptied of bodies. “You have a strong team. I thought that you'd be a good influence on Mills. She had good procedures but sometimes her emotions overran her training."

  "Yeah.” Liz nodded.

  "You and I both know if she'd succeeded in bringing Aaron Belton in, it would have made her career golden. That sort of takedown...” Kyra waved her hand around the room and then looked at Casey's picture. “I don't think she was feeding him on purpose, and when she realized who he was, it must have been a blow to her self-esteem. Cops are taught to trust their instincts..."

  "As far as I'm concerned, she died in the line of duty. Our speculation about her relationship with the killer is just that—speculation. It won't go in any report I write or sign off on."

  Kyra nodded. “Good."

  * * * *

  Kyra shoved her hands into her pockets and stared at Casey Mills's insides with what she hoped was a face devoid of emotion. “Well?"

  "She's got a multitude of fractures and breaks,” Jeffrey began. “And he raped her."

  Her hands curled into fists, and her gaze dropped to the floor. Ana was barely breathing beside her. “For the love of God, Ana, go outside and wait."

  Ana turned immediately and left the room.

  "You're going to have to give her a few hours to adjust, or she'll splinter."

  "It's coming.” Kyra looked back to the body. “Drowning?"


  "The rape?"

  "Garden variety—vaginal penetration only, and no fluids. I'm not sure if he used his penis."

  Kyra's gaze narrowed. “The prick probably can't even get it up."

  "Good. Good. Use all of that controlled fury when you talk to the press. He'll turn himself in."

  "I'm in no mood for crap."

  "No, but your partner isn't the only one on the edge."

  "We stood over a dead cop, Jeffrey. If that doesn't make you furious, you aren't the man I think you are."

  "Actually, Kyra, standing over a dead cop horrifies me. A man who would hunt and murder a cop has no fear of punishment, no fear of the hell he's brought down on himself. He just doesn't care. He doesn't care how angry you are, how angry every cop in the city is. A man that would kill a cop, knowing how cops react to the murder of their own, will kill at will and will kill until he's captured."

  "He will care.” Kyra looked down to Casey Mills's body and shook her head. “I was going to leave her in Anti-Crime for a few years and then offer her a spot in Major Crimes. I figured it would toughen her up, make her a good murder cop."

  "It would have."

  "She's dead."

  "He chose her because she was close but not close enough. Had he really wanted to put it to you, you would have a dead partner on this table."

  "Don't you think I know that?” Kyra demanded roughly. “Do you think I don't look at Ana and imagine that it was her in that fucking alleyway?” She took a calming breath. “I've forwarded you the list of the task force; it got expanded. Please send the report to all of them."

  "Yeah.” Parker waved her off.


  "Just catch him."

  Kyra nodded and turned on her heel. She found Ana in Jeffrey's office, her face buried in her hands. Kyra sat down beside her and cleared her throat. “When I made detective, I was assigned a new partner. He was brash and so full of himself.” Ana let her hands drop from her face. “One night we were on our way back to the station from a particularly horrible domestic disturbance, and we stopped in at a store to get some coffee. There was some asshole in there with a pipe bomb—robbing the store. Stephen rushed him. They both died in the blast."

  "I know. You hung in there, and you ran the scene. I read the file."

  "Yeah, but the file is incomplete. I had a meltdown right there. The owner of the store had to pull me into his office and hold me while I cried like a baby. By the time the other cops got there, I was back in control and I worked that scene like I didn't even know Stephen, like I hadn't been fucking him for eight months."

  Ana's mouth dropped open. “You don't date cops."

sp; "I don't date cops because of Stephen."

  "She was a good person. Casey had this huge chip on her shoulder, I guess, because her dad went down in the line of duty but there was some talk that he was dirty."

  "He probably was dirty. The department had a lot of crap to overcome. One of the reasons the city police force was reorganized in 2142 was because of the corrupt crap going on. The government wasn't new, but it took a long time after the third civil war to settle the population and rebuild the foundations of civilization. Once city and state governments were in place, a lot of the other stuff had been allowed to slide. Empire building and corruption followed.” Kyra leaned back, looked around the small, overfurnished office, and wondered if her rambling was due to nervousness or helplessness. She really had no clue how to help her partner get past her grief. “You trusted her."

  "She wasn't a bad cop.” Ana sat up in the chair and shook back her hair. “That son of a bitch used her because he thought we'd think she was."


  "Casey was saving up to take one of those silly cruises to the moon.” She sniffed and cleared her throat.

  "The moon is ugly."

  "Yeah, but the getting there is supposed to be pretty damn cool."

  Kyra stood and glanced at her comm-u. “Let's get some food."

  "Sit down?"

  "No, we'll get some sandwiches. I want back to get back to the station so I can prepare for my next press conference."

  "Yeah.” Ana grimaced as she held up her p-pc. “The killer has started emailing the media."

  * * * *

  The first thing she noticed was that Jeff Marks had been replaced. The young woman on hand from Channel 4 was a new face, and Kyra knew why they'd sent her. She was pretty, and she looked innocent.

  "Good afternoon.” She braced herself on the podium as she moved her gaze around the room. “As many of you are aware, Constable Casey Mills was murdered last night. Constable Mills was assigned to the Anti-Crime unit of District 4 and performed her duties with goodwill and courage. She will be sorely missed by the department and by her fellow officers.” They weren't raising their hands. She wondered if they could see how close she was to losing her ever-loving mind. “Her killer, as you might have guessed, is the same man that killed Donna LaRoux, Janie Monroe, and Stacy Valteau. The NOPD has requested a profile from the FBI, and we are pursuing any and all leads. Questions?"

  One hand went up hesitantly. “Gary Nelson, New Orleans Times.” When she nodded, he stood and looked down at his notes. “As you may know, the killer has sent the senior editor of my news-vid several letters."

  "Yes, those letters have been forwarded to me."

  "He's calling himself the ‘Waterman.’ Is there some significance for the name?"

  "No, but like serial killers in the past, he's endeavoring to make himself famous."

  "Then you admit you are dealing with a serial killer?"

  "At this point, Gary, it would be ridiculous to deny it. We are looking for a young man between twenty and thirty. In the press kits that have been prepared for you, you'll be given several artist renderings based on witness descriptions and a few photos. I would ask any citizen who sees this individual to call the nearest police district. He is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous."

  The young woman from Channel 4 raised her hand, and Kyra went to her without hesitating. She would make the station pay for what they'd done, but she wouldn't punish a stranger. “Yes, Channel 4."

  "Good afternoon, Inspector. Joanna Dawson, Channel 4. Is your task force prepared to deal with a serial killer?"

  "Every cop on the force in New Orleans is working to help bring this individual to justice. I have no doubts that we will prevail."

  "Do you think he is evil?"

  "I think he is a small and ineffectual man who preys on women."

  "The tattoos?"

  She paused and considered her words. “We believe the killer is the tattoo artist and that he marked his victims for slaughter during the last Mardi Gras. I would ask that you all display the tattoos of the fairy and the unicorn."

  "Who had the rainbow?"

  "That information is confidential, but be assured that she is under our protection and unavailable to the killer."

  "One more question."


  "Why did he kill a cop?"

  "As his letters indicate, he felt he wasn't getting enough attention."

  * * * *

  She's angry with me, too. Kyra knows that I failed you, that I didn't follow the plans I made. She's angry that I disappointed you. Angry with me. I don't deserve her anger; she isn't worthy of being angry with me. She isn't worthy, yet.

  I needed more information from the cop, but she became a risk. She saw too much, was beginning to suspect. How much longer would I have been expected to endure her suspicions? She was supposed to love me!

  Kyra's close now. Can you see her? Are you pleased with the vessel I've chosen? I knew you would be. She's so strong and brave.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lloyd Deller was in a full-blown conniption fit when Kyra entered her commander's office. Both men stopped yelling when they saw her. She took the seat her commander motioned her to and crossed her legs at the knee.

  "I wasn't aware that the deputy mayor is privy to operational reports in an open investigation."

  "Baker, I demand that you rein her in. She had no business giving that press conference, and she violated the agreement we made not even forty-eight hours ago."

  "It is the inspector's job to relate information to the public as she sees fit, both to protect the general populace and to facilitate her investigation."

  "That's bullshit. She purposefully disobeyed me."

  "I don't take orders from you,” Kyra responded carefully. She wasn't going to let Deller reduce her to a foaming-at-the-mouth, raving bitch. She held up her hand when her commander started to speak. “Mr. Deller, you are angry with me because you feel that I've undermined the mayor and his position that the city is perfectly safe. That's fine; you be angry, because this city is not perfectly safe. I stood over a dead cop this morning, which means that any arrangements I might have agreed to in the past no longer apply. I'll do everything I can to catch this son of a bitch, and if you get in my way, I'll crucify you in the press."

  "You are accountable for your actions."

  "And you are accountable for your inaction. If the mayor would like to have a word with me, tell him to make an appointment."

  "You aren't going to be able to hide behind your grandmother this time."

  "I don't hide behind my grandmother.” She stood. “I'd be careful about speaking of her. She has a habit of showing up when someone does."

  Deller's eyes darted around as if he expected Sharon to appear out of thin air. “Do you think you'd be where you are if it weren't for Sharon Moray?"

  Kyra flinched. “Don't push me, Deller."

  "You are dismissed, Inspector.” Ethan stood and glared when Deller started to respond. “I'll expect a transmission of your operational report ASAP."

  "My partner has already transmitted it."

  * * * *

  Kyra walked to her desk, anger still brewing in her stomach. “Has the profiler reported yet?"

  "He's on his way here.” Ana put a mini-disk in a plastic case on her desk. “He sent the profile along with a request to be on hand when the killer is captured. The commander approved the request."

  Kyra didn't pick up the profile, but instead shoved her p-pc into the desk docking station and began going through her incoming messages. The autopsy report for Casey Mills had come through quickly; since she'd seen how Parker had been with the body, she wasn't surprised.

  It wasn't fair that the murder of a cop spurred greater activity out of people than the average citizen, but that was the way it was. She looked at Ana, who was also reading the ME's report. The official logo was visible to Kyra from her desk. She watched as her partner went rigid in her chair a
nd then stood abruptly from her desk.

  The office was silent after Ana shut the door. Kyra rubbed the back of her neck and shared a look with Desi. “When she comes back, tell her to take three hours for rest."

  "You're going to do the same?"


  Kyra grabbed her p-pc and stood. “Call me if you get anything. I also want the description of the van released to the press. Let's let the people of New Orleans use their inability to respect the privacy of others for a good cause."

  * * * *

  Alex was at the bar when she entered. Kyra didn't bother to question why she'd come to Still Waters instead of going home and crawling into her bed. He left the bar and followed her down the short hallway that led to his office. She was silent as he followed her inside. She turned and buried her face in his chest and shuddered when he wrapped his arms around her.

  "She was twenty-five years old."

  "I know. Channel 4 did a bio on her life and her choice to become a police officer.” He guided her to the couch and sat down with her. She curled into him with no prompting. “I guess they're working pretty hard to get back in the good graces of the department."

  "They can all fuck off and die."

  "Tell me what you need.” He ran his fingers through her hair.

  "Just this.” She closed her eyes. “Don't leave me."

  "I won't."

  Kyra settled against him and let her head rest on his thigh, sighing as he continued to play with her hair.

  Alex was silent as her breathing evened out and she surrendered to sleep. He couldn't imagine when the last time she'd slept was. The door to his office opened a crack, and Marcus stuck his head in.

  "Wow.” Marcus looked her over and shook his head. “She's going to need some food when she wakes up."

  "Yeah.” She moved but didn't wake. He doubted she was normally such a deep sleeper. “Find her partner and let her know she's here. I'm going to turn off her comm-u and p-pc."

  "She'll kick your ass for that."

  "She won't be any good to anyone if she doesn't get some decent sleep.” He unbuckled her holster and motioned his brother inside. “Help me out here."